Sunday, November 30, 2003

Sharp-shinned Hawk,

Sharp-shinned Hawk,

I've been seeing a small raptor at my bird feeder. I meant to feed the birds, not feed on birds. I've finally identified this raptor as a sharp-shinned hawk.

Now I just have to figure out how to keep him away from the birds I wanted to attract.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

I was so proud of myself for being very organized. I had used a shopping program on my Palm to organize all my embroidery threads. I had categories and shopping lists and project lists.... Truly a work of art. So, I get ready to start a new project and I enter in all the thread colors I need, and see which ones I had, and which ones I'd need to buy... and I went out and purchased the ones I need.

So, I'll all set to work on this project. I got through the first part, and am on to the second - the part with colors. I realized that I didn't have two of the colors. I picked up one that was on number off, and (my favorite) 3772 rather than 3722. UGH! So, I made an emergency floss run. Of course I had to make other purchases while I was at the store... but that's supplies for another project.

Needless to say, all I did last night was wind floss after I got home. Tonight I can start on the colors.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Just thought I'd write a little. I'm taking a class right now, and the material is a little dry and technical. I should be paying attention. It's covering double byte character languages, such as Chinese and Japanese. The technology to support these types of languages is quite impressive. I was overwhelmed to have to stitch some Japanese characters! (See my stitching page to see what I made)

Monday, November 17, 2003

Happy Birthday to my sweetie.

You can see pictures of my stitching on my web page: Marybeth's Homepage
Just trying out some new formats, etc.
The day is grey outside. The geese can be seen flying around. No matter what way you look in the sky there is a big vee of them out there.
Ok. This is my first BLOG. I don't really know why I signed up for this, but I thought it might be a hoot.

I'm here at work, and trying to get someone hooked up with our on-line conferencing.

Technology is cool, but can be a pain sometimes.